lkkk lkjhg
terça-feira, março 09, 2010
Ando a ler um livro admirável, que me foi apresentado pelo poeta, escritor, conversador nato, Sean Street. Publico aqui estes excertos para ver se “a gente” se levanta. Debaixo da decadência evidente, há um país maravilhoso.

“When I was a kid I made myself sick on marmelada, Portuguese quince jelly. (…) Once I sneaked a gulp of port too. I thought I’d die; it tasted like bad medicine. My tastes have changed, but ever after that I wanted perversely to be Portuguese.”

“Of all the European powers they took the world in their hands the earliest, and hung onto it the longest.”

“I’d like to find out, to journey in a country which adds up to somewhere much bigger than the sum of its parts.”

Paul Hyland, “Backwards out of the big world”, Flamingo.

“Hyland’s masterly prose defines perfectly an instant in the evolution of one of Europe’s most fascinating states”

Guardian Books of the Year.

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Damon at 4:21 da tarde