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segunda-feira, agosto 25, 2003
Water Lou

I was born as a river
Blood ran through me as water
Fresh, wild, vital

No ships dared sailing on it
They were very far away from there
On journeys to visit the world

My mother used to cry
‘Cos no tears ever fell from my eyes
They were always dark
As her deepest fears

Then I met you on a bright night
You were swimming naked
Through my waters
My liquid hands caressed your skin
As we touched

At first you didn’t realise my presence there
It was only when I rose from the deep
That you understood I was real

You looked scared but you smiled
And soon you were shown
There was nothing to fear
For I wasn’t there to harm you
I was there to take you

One single favour I had to ask
As your body waved through me
So fresh, so young, so pure

Suddenly, my courage had disappeared
For my mind had lost itself
Beyond the bends of your body
Silence took control of my tongue
And I wasn’t certain
Of speaking your language

Again you smiled toward me
My eyes they dropped
Facing a whiteness that was no more
Than the pureness of your skin

And then there was an impulse
Coming from the depths
I had to tell you why I was there
There was a proposal to be made
And it was

My name is Water Lou
Always so cold, always so blue
May you swim in me forever
So that I don’t turn to ice?

You looked surprised
My waters waved their arms,
I was nervous

You looked inside of me
Saw the rocks that made my bed
And realised there was no life there
No fish would ever survive there
You weren’t too keen on what I had asked you

So I asked you again
Please swim in me forever
I don’t want to turn to ice

Swim in me forever
Or I’ll have to drown you

The strangeness in the way you looked
Showed there would be rain in your eyes
And after a sudden movement, a shyness I suppose,
You started crying

As I tried to give you comfort
All I could do was scare you

Those tears could save my life

I would never turn to ice
As long as you didn’t stop crying

That made me angry with myself
I was depending on your sadness and fear to survive
So for the first time
In my liquid existence
My eyes released a modest tear
And we cried together

It was then that we became the flood
And the world would never forget us.

Damon Durham.

Damon at 3:41 da tarde

domingo, agosto 24, 2003

Grandes Agradecimentos ao Pedro Rios pelo auxílio prestado na resolução do problema dos acentos que espero já esteja resolvido.
De volta. Após complicações com a internet caseira. Espero não chegar demasiado tarde... Ainda está aí alguém???

As pessoas olham para o rio

As pessoas olham para o rio. E ao mesmo tempo perdem-se em beijos que alternam com fotografias reluzentes onde os sorrisos se guardam eternamente ou até que a chuva amoleça o papel tornando-o vulnerável.
As pessoas olham para mim, sentado aqui, encostado às boxes, de mãos na caneta e no papel, sem pudor de riscar, sem vergonha de exibir perante a praça pública o mais íntimo das minhas palavras, o mais profundo das curvas de todas as letras do alfabeto. Elas olham para mim como para uma ave rara, um ser esquisito, digno de um estudo aprofundado pela Faculdade de Ciências. Passam e disfarçadamente fixam o olhar no caminhar dos meus dedos, no saltitar da ponta da caneta ao longo dos campos que se vão sarapintando de azul.
Mesmo assim, há mais pessoas que olham para o rio. De vez em quando assustam-se com os pombos ou com o grito esfomeado de uma criança. De vez em quando lembram-se de que a vida não acaba aqui, não se fixa nestes jardins. Às vezes petrificam na memória de um dever que aguarda, de um crime cometido pelo esquecimento consciente. Mas a maior parte do tempo eles olham para o rio. Vêem-no a passar e a ficar. Vêem-no a nunca estar quieto e no entanto a permanecer, a nunca lhes fugir da vista.
As pessoas vêm para aqui para olhar o rio. E para se beijarem. E para tirar fotografias. Eu venho para as ver. E para escrever.

Palácio de Cristal (Porto), 19 de Agosto de 2003.

Damon at 4:05 da tarde