lkkk lkjhg
sábado, setembro 20, 2003
A journey by the river

I can’t remember when I arrived,
All I can say is that I was there,
Half under water, half in the sun,
Far away from everything and
Far away from everyone

I carried music in my ears,
A distant sound of recent beats,
Half post-modern, half na?ve,
Far away from just guitar thieves,
Closer to me

«Keep close to me»,
I told the river

«Please don’t leave me,
Wait a few minutes
Before you jump into the sea…»

Before my ears run out of melody

My legs, they followed nobody’s shadow,
They walked for miles, my lips they smiled,
Despite a numbness in my face,
The numbness of winter’s end,
I was winter’s best friend.

My friends they flied
High above me
Down by the river
I knew they called me
But I just had to give myself
A journey by the river

So I focused on the bitter melody,
The river beside the man nobody saw,
The boy who looked like a foreign ghost
Was no one but me…

Damon Durham

Damon at 10:01 da tarde

quinta-feira, setembro 18, 2003

Ainda te amo.

Damon at 10:35 da tarde

Fazes-me falta.

Damon at 10:35 da tarde